Speaker Series
Call for AASCC Presentation Ideas
Got a concept for a presentation that would appeal to our members? We are in the process of putting together this year’s programs for the AASCC, and would love to hear about your ideas. Contact any of the officers to bend their ear with your favorite topic or theme. See the current newsletter for details
November 17, 2011
"Strategies for High-density,
Green Affordable Housing"
by Jeff Oberdorfer FAIA, CDS
Jeff is the Executive Director of First Community Housing in San Jose. He is also a long-time resident of Santa Cruz County and is now bringing award-winning, mixed-use, transit-oriented, community-centered, environmentally sustainable projects to our side of the hill. With over 1,500 units developed, he has the experience to do it right. If you missed him at West Coast Green in San Francisco, you can see him right here.
This event is sponsored by Ausonio Incorporated.
This is a video from the November 17, 2011 presentation by Jeff Oberdorfer,
"Strategies for High-density Green Affordable Housing"